Sanctity of Life Day 2021

Today is Sanctity of Life Day. 

It is a day where we reflect and remember how valuable all life is, both within the womb and outside, even in old age. 

Yet we are living in an age where life is cheap, and there is no moral question about snuffing out the life of a pre-born child. 

Ever since the supreme court cases of Roe vs Wade, and Dow vs. Bolten close to 70 million unborn babies have been murdered in the place that should be the safest, the womb of their mother. 

While a lot of progress has been made by the pro-life community to turn back that tide, we still have a long way to go. 

Now with a new Biden administration, our job may be quite hard, with the incoming pro-abortion policies. 

Here at Unresolved ministries, we are unabashedly Pro-life, and I would urge you to take a listen to just a couple of the interviews that we have done on this topic. 

First up is Melisa Ohden, who was an actual abortion survivor. Her story is truly riveting. 

The second is a Karen Herzog from the organization from And Then there were none. 

This group founded by former Planned Parenthood worker Abbie Johnson which helps abortion workers get out of the death trade. 

Finally, I want to speak to those who have had an abortion. 

If you are reading this, and you feel compounding guilt and shame for the death of your child, know that there is still hope. 

While abortion is truly a horrific act and a Sin to all mighty God, you can be forgiven. 

Yeshua Jesus died for you, and even took the Sin of abortion on himself, so you wouldn’t have to pay the penalty He loves you deeply, and if you ask him, he will forgive you completely. 

We still have much to do, and we still have much to fight for. Yes we need to fight in the government, and in the courts, but we as a church must work to see our Lord change one heart at a time. 

Only then, can we win this fight, and stop the holocaust of the Unborn. 

And as always, we must bathe this in prayer.

God bless, 

Teresa Blaes.  

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In this episode of Unresolved Life Podcast, Teresa talks with Reina Rose about how holidays turn into the days of mourning for some people?

And share their own experiences about how they overcame trauma and grief.



What to listen for :

  • How to encounter trauma?
  • Expressing your grief
  • Challenging life’s most difficult questions


Listen in now!


Conversation highlights:

  • 02:01 – He is gone……


  • 06:14 – Those holidays took away both of her parents.


  • 08:10 – Encountering the grief for the first time!


  • 16:53 – Side effects of Trauma


  • 19:34 – Helping ourselves to ease the load.


  • 25:28 – SIN TASTES GOOD!



Remarkable quotes:

“His that made me felt that I had died too.”


“The church is full of imperfect people following a perfect God.”


“Jesus came for the sick not for the healthy.”


About our sponsor

Teshuah Tea Company dedicated to helping women build lives of recovery from abuse, human trafficking, and sexual slavery. The business supports the Teshuahah House, which provides job and skills training, recovery and rehabilitation.


Visit the site at Teshuah Tea Company or


If you enjoyed the podcast don’t forget to  share, subscribe and review us (It really helps us get the word our of more people).



Song by Casting Crown

Whether you want to start a faith based business online ministry come to the right place!


In this episode of Unresolved Life Podcast, Teresa talks with Rachel Bruno, a victim of CPS atrocities. They discuss how CPS is tearing apart the families and is acting as an active funnel of Human Trafficking.


Lessons to take away with you:

  • A child is a blessing from God.
  • Devil is the father of lies.
  • How is the CPS taking care of the children?
  • CPS is a funnel of human trafficking.


Listen in now!


Conversation highlights:

  • 02:23 – A fluid is flowing from his head….


  • 13:55 – CPS knocked in!


  • 17:36 – The atrocities begin……


  • 22:50 – CPS made us live in the Nazi Germany.


  • 27:39 – They evicted Rachel from her very own house.


  • 32:02 – CPS atrocities are like a pandemic!


  • 38:29 – “We couldn’t survive it without the help of God.”


  • 48:13 – When the laws go wrong…..


  • 53:00 – The role of Church in this Sinister situation.



Remarkable quotes:

“I surrender my son to you, God.”


“It’s been 24 hours since I slept.”


“The took him away at 2 o’clock in the morning.”


“She was like a blessing in disguise.”


“Devil is the father of lies.”


About our sponsor

Teshuah Tea Company dedicated to helping women build lives of recovery from abuse, human trafficking, and sexual slavery. The business supports the Teshuahah House, which provides job and skills training, recovery and rehabilitation.


Visit the site at Teshuah Tea Company or


If you enjoyed the podcast don’t forget to share, subscribe and review us (It really helps us get the word our of more people).

