Easter Message

Cross in the clouds

In this short episode, Theresa wishes you a Happy Easter, or Resurrection Sunday, and talks a little about the meaning of this important, holy day.


  • What, exactly, did we celebrate yesterday?    [00:38]
  • How can we really know that Jesus Christ is alive?    [02:13]
  • How can we trust that God has accepted the life of his son, Jesus Christ, as payment for the debt of our sins?   [03:11]
  • What does Christ’s resurrection mean for you and me?  [03:59]

Whats in your box?


In this episode I ask the question what’s in your box? Find out what
an old comertial has to do with what’s in your box, and I talk about
the choices you have of either hiding from God, or being honest with

Whats in Your Wallet Commercial

Interview with Anna Khait


Anna was a professional poker player and a contestant on the CBS Show Survivor in 2016.  She was one of the only outspoken Trump supporting, conservatives from the entertainment world during the 2015 campaign.

Anna is a reborn Christian who currently hosts a conservative talk show. Her show The Anna Khait Show on Youtube is a well respected platform for patriots. The show is her way of giving back to the country that has given her so much.  Originally born in Saint Petersburg, Russia, Anna moved to America when she was 4 years old.  Her family came to America for better opportunity, freedom of religion, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  She is grateful for what America has provided for her and her family.  As a child, she grew up hearing about the atrocities that her relatives faced during the Soviet’s socialism and communism.  She was red-pilled in 2015 when she realized that the same tactics used during communist Russia were being implemented in America today. The attack on Americanism, the constitution, and freedom has sparked a flame in her heart. Anna is a fighter intended on making this country free again.


Anna’s Website: https://www.annakhait.com/

Anna’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/Annakhait


Interview with Tim Morris

Tim is passionate about helping people’s hearts come alive to who they truly are. Over the last seven years, he has helped people explore their God-given design or gifts in a one-on-one setting and in groups through curriculum he has built called Design Discovery. This process is built on deeply understanding the heart’s desires in a robust framework. As a result Tim is passionate to help people grasp the depth, beauty, complexity, and theology of the heart from the perspective of the redeemed heart. Timearned a M.Div. from Denver Seminary in 2009 and is a professionally certified life coach with the ICF and has been coaching people professionally for about seven years. Over the course of his experience building the process for Design Discovery, he has spoken to different groups about knowing our God-given purpose as it links to our heart and has facilitated workshops in both a graduate-level and non-formal setting. He is currently blogging at https://designdiscovery.com/blog/ and writing books on the heart and apostolic calling through the lens of an entrepreneur.

Interview with Rob Decker


Rob’s primary objective is to share his story of a failed suicide attempt that led to a relationship with God.  He suffered many years of sadness, anger, confusion and fed that with drugs, alcohol and bad relationships.  With the help of God, he was able to turn his story  into one of forgiveness, understanding, and love.  He desires to inspire, encourage, and give hope to those who have had similar battles.

Rob has appeared in the media many times, including sharing his testimony on the 700 club and on numerous podcasts.  His story is inspiring and will help you to realize that God can reach into the most difficult situations and use them for your good.


Rob’s Website: https://www.robdeckerspeaks.com



About this Episode

In this show I talk to Eric Nevins who is the host of the half way there podcast. We speak of his past and how he Grew up, and how he got in to studying what he calls spiritual formation We covered many other subjects as well, and this is a  conversation I truly enjoyed having.


Halfway There Podcast 

Eric’s Site http://ericnevins.com

Halfway There Facebook Page 

Here’s the interview that Eric did for me http://ericnevins.com/podcast/halfwaythere/077/



In this special episode, we pay tribute to our beloved mentor, Pastor JR Camfield. He recently passed away, leaving behind him a legacy of ministry and hope. We miss him terribly. There has never been such a selfless servant, who sought God with his whole heart.  I’m sure he heard “Well done good and faithful servant.”  and is hanging out with Jesus riding on his Harley on streets of gold

We did an interview with about 11 years ago about how to hear God’s voice.  We urge you to take the time to listen to it. It will change your life.

Farewell Pastor, or should i say until we meet again.

a large auditorium with lots of people walking around, most of them wearing motorcycle colors and a open casket in the backgroud


A video of Pastor JR and Carol talking about the work the Seed  of Abraham Motorcycle Club is doing along with the other Christian Biker Clubs



The devotional method we use

Youversion. A free online Bible program, that has tons of reading plans and devotionals. They have apps for both Apple and Android devices.


Interview with Tahni Cullen


Tahni Cullen is a people-lover, blogger, and conference speaker, who brings a powerful message of hope and restoration.

Tahni worked thirteen years at a multi-campus church in the Twin Cities of Minnesota where she served in communication arts, and as a ministry director. She is a freelance marketer who also performs in an original live variety show for women’s events.

Tahni and her producer husband, Joe, created an award-winning documentary called Surprised by Autism. They live with their son, Josiah, in Saint Paul, where they enjoy exploring Minnesota’s museums and destinatio


Josiah’s Fire Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/JosiahsFire/

Josiah’s Fire the book http://josiahsfire.com/


Salt and Light

There are a lot of people that will never consider darkening the door of Today’s churches.

Why because they have been hurt by So called Christians who look down their nose and judge them for their appearance or their actions.

We must not judge them. We cannot look at them with the “Christian” lens” They do not have a relationship with the savior.

We need to love them where they are at and welcome them with open arms.

We are called to be salt and light. what is salt used for? Salt is a flavor enhancer among other things.

As a flavor-er, Salt increases the flavor of whatever other flavors that are already there. That’s why some recipes call for salt even though the result is sweet. We are to be full of flavor enticing nonbelievers with the sweetness of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

Light is unique because it doesn’t matter how little of it there is if you have a dark room and light a candle, it will no longer be in complete darkness. In effect, light cancels darkness Light also represents truth. We are called to go out into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. That is to carry the light that is Jesus into all the dark places.

We can best learn what to do from Jesus’s own example. He did not hang out with the holier than thou Pharisees. Instead he hung out with Tax collectors, and fishermen, and prostitutes. He often broke bread with them. That’s what we must do to represent Christ to the best of our ability.

Note that I am not saying that we are to partake in their sin. But When They are at Rock bottom, they will remember you and reach out to you for help.

let me tell you the story of my father in Law Bryan. He is a great guy, but he was not a Christian in any sense of the word. I remember he told me on one occasion, that he believed there was a God, but he did not know who he was. I did my best to not push my beliefs on him. About 5 years ago, my mother in law passed away suddenly. He had a really hard time dealing with it. He hid it well, but I will never forget the night that he called me and asked me, “Mike how are you dealing with this?” and I was able to tell him about my relationship with the creator of the universe, my lord and savior Jesus Christ. When I asked him if he wanted to accept Jesus as his savior, there was no argument. no justification, no back peddling, he just said yes, and I got the awesome privilege of introducing my father in law to his savior.

if I had preached at him and told him what a bad person he was, I never would have had that opportunity.

So, what does all this mean? Take a moment and consider who you are. Are you a Christian who is filled with the love and sweetness of Jesus and yearns to share the light with the world? Or are you a putrid rancid Religious Christian who looks down their nose at people. One will lead people into his kingdom and the other will send them running for the hills. You Decide. Please feel free to comment below even if you disagree with me.