EncouragementI Thessalonians 5:11 tells us to “Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as also you are doing. ” (https://biblehub.com/blb/1_thessalonians/5.htm) The context for that is teaching Paul is giving about “the day of the Lord”, the day the Lord Jesus returns. The fact of Jesus’ return to get His people, His children, His church is very encouraging.
On K-love for the month of September, there is a contest to win a prize for encouraging the people we come in contact with. There is also a list of suggestions of practical things each of us could do to pass that encouragement along. Here is a link to request that list: https://ww2.klove.com/ministry/30-Days-of-Encouragement
My ministry focus is senior citizens, so I want to do something to encourage them today. I will start by telling any seniors that may be reading this article one very simple fact – Jesus loves you, no matter how young or old you are. That means if you are slow in moving, thinking, talking, or responding to others, Jesus loves you as much a newborn infant. That’s because He doesn’t look at the outward appearance, but He looks at the heart. He knows your potential and knows what you have done for others. He knows He is not done with you and He knows what needs to change within you. He is able to make those changes.
Finally, I would encourage you to go directly to Jesus Christ and ask Him to encourage you. He said in Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all you that are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Friends, if you have given your life to Jesus, He will certainly give you the encouragement you need in your life and He will help you pass it on to others.”
I am encouraged that someone may read these words and be blessed.