An open letter to the Unresolved community
Dear Unresolved Reader,
Today is Aug. 1, the beginning of the month, and for me a new beginning spiritually, a time to refocus and reframe my priorities.
You see, tomorrow is my 65th birthday. As of today, I am officially on Medicare (I am excited to see the perks this will give me!) As I approach this birthday and this milestone, I look back at what brought me to this point. I look at the jobs I held, the places I moved, and the steps that led me to discover and marry my heart-mate, soul-mate, best friend, and the reason we reside here in Mississippi, near her family.
What a realize is that God has been faithful to provide and lead all my life, especially since I gave my life to Christ in 1969. While some things may be unresolved, unfinished, incomplete, uncertain, there is one thing that is eternally true – Jesus Christ is faithful to lead, provide, and work all things together for good for those that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. God is faithful. God is good. And God will bring us through to the end. May He help us to lean into Him and focus on Him, come what may.
God bless you in your journey, wherever you are right now.
Pastor John Day
Pastor John Day