In this episode of The Unresolved Life, Teresa sits with Baylee Dunn, a survivor who narrates the story of how God pulled her through major psychological health issues originating from her birth.

Listen now and be inspired by Baylee’s experience

Conversation Highlights

[00:41] Teresa introduces a company dedicated to rescuing girls from sex trafficking and rehabilitating them; Teshuah Tea Company.


Podcast: Liberty Unveiled (also on the Unresolved Podcast Network)

[01:59] Teresa shares she noticed Baylee had a story from posts on her profile

[02:13] Baylee introduces herself and describes the history behind her health challenges, being a stroke at birth.

[04:28] She narrates in detail her ordeal though different diagnoses and health facilities, till she was finally diagnosed with Bipolar disorder.

[05:50] At the time she was having delusions her faith was weak

[06:54] The turning point in her faith that led her on the path to recovery was when she prayed, joining faith with one of her attending nurses.

[08:15] Baylee grew to see God in the kindness of others, His word, and the gathering of brethren.

[08:43] She has made drastic recovery since her walk with God began and is now moving forward in other aspects of her life

[09:57] Baylee’s message to anyone facing similar issues: “No matter how dark it gets, there is hope in Jesus”

[11:30] If she had to go through it all again just for one person to see Jesus, Baylee says she would.

[11:43] Baylee shares her plans going forward

[12:40] To start the path to healing, the first thing you should do is ask for help

[13:48] How to reach out to Baylee

Instagram: Bayleemdunn

To reach Teresa:



Remarkable Quotes:

[06:31] “He will bring you through anything that you’re going through”

[10:17] “There is hope in Jesus”

Sponsor: Teshua Tea Co.

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