Talking to my Soul

Talking to My Soul

Vs. 1
Sometimes I have to give myself instructions. I have to say things to my soul. I don’t want to head into destruction, so I listen to these words to make me whole.

“Rest in God alone, not your thoughts, not your phone. He is your rock and your friend. Your fortress around you. His presence surrounds you. He stays with you right to the end.”

Vs. 2
If only I would listen to that voice inside my head, the one the Lord has placed there for my good. He tells me what to do, what to say, and where to go. If only I would listen as I should.

“Rest in God alone, not your thoughts, not your phone. He is your rock and your friend. Your fortress around you. His presence surrounds you. He stays with you right to the end.”

Tag: I remember now: Jesus is my friend.

Ps. 62: 5-8

5Rest in God alone, O my soul,
for my hope comes from Him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation;
He is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
7My salvation and my honor rest on God, my strong rock;
My refuge is in God.

8Trust in Him at all times, O people;
pour out your hearts before Him. God is our refuge.

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