Laying Things Down

Laying Things Down

I have a habit that drives me nuts, and causes me a lot of anxiety. At this moment, it is frustrating me and discouraging me. That is not helped by the fact that I have a headache. The habit I’m talking about, is laying things down and not being aware that I have done it.

Just a few minutes ago, I was looking for an allen wrench. The tube on the cat tower came off, and I was trying to tighten up the connecting piece with that wrench. I had it in my hand, trying to tighten the piece back on. I took the tube back to show Karen, came back out, and thought “I’ve got to tighten up that connector. Maybe by the time you read this I will have found it. (Pencils and pens also get misplaced when I “lay down my burdne.”) I also know that the devil would have me dwell on that weakness. I will not do it. I have stated it, confessed it, and now I’m letting it go.

And that’s the main point of this writing – we need to lay down our burdens at the feet of Jesus. Heb. 4:15 says “For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.”

Another translation says that Jesus is “touched with the feelings of our infirmities.” Jesus understands and does not condemn us for our weaknesses.

Until next time,

Pastor John

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